All that You Need to Know about Vampire Facial

Vampire facial has become the latest fad after Hollywood celebrity Kim Kardashian West posted her blood-stained face after undergoing a vampire facial. There are several reports circulating wherein various celebs have undergone PRP facial treatment.

Just as every coin has two sides, you should attend to both sides. Vampire facials are safe if you choose a professional and aesthetically safe health center.

Below, we bring to you everything that goes into this treatment.

PRP injection for the face is a safe and non-surgical treatment that helps to rejuvenate aged and dull looking skin by restoring the face’s normal texture, tone, and volume. Vampire facials are an effective scientific treatment to treat aged skin, acne scars, and uneven tone.

How is it made?

The blood from the patient is taken and put into a centrifugation process to extract the plasma that contains three to five times more platelets and active proteins used for tissue and injury healing.

This blood is inserted back using an injection or micro-needling. In vampire facial, micro-needling is done to enhance the healing process of the face.

What is micro-needling?

This is a dermatological procedure that uses micro-fine needles for skin rejuvenation. It is mostly done by a derma roller comprising of fine needles ranging of a diameter between 0.5mm and 2.5mm. It helps in skin resurfacing and cell turn over and the PRP stimulates collagen and brings elasticity and flexibility to the skin making it look younger.

In a 2009 study, wherein 37 patients of atrophic facial scarring used the micro-needling treatment, about more than 80% of patients gave PRP facial an ‘excellent’ on a 10-point scale.

Microneedling has also been found effective in reducing fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, tone, and texture of the skin.

The process involved in vampire facial

Initially, a numbing cream is applied that makes the procedure comfortable. A small amount of blood is taken and spun down into a centrifugation process to separate red blood cells from the plasma.

The patient’s face is cleaned to apply a serum that gives a smooth texture while you roll down the derma roller. The micro-needles present in the instrument push the plasma in the skin. After a few weeks, your skin becomes smoother and tighter as before.

Recovery time required

This treatment takes some couple of weeks as you may see a change in the complexion of the skin with new collagen producing under the skin.

After the treatment, your face might be blood-stained, swollen with small bruises around the eyes and mouth. One the next day, your skin will turn a bit pink and rough. After a week your skin will get much softer and smoother to touch.

PRP facials

PRP injection for face is suitable for all ages. The doctor might ask you to come for 3-4 sessions along with a regular maintenance schedule. The treatment won’t be expensive as compared to surgery. Make sure you undergo the treatment with professional doctors.

Opt for PRP injection for face at Kennedy Health Pain Relief & Wellness!

Kennedy Health Pain Relief & Wellness Center provides advanced treatment for PRP facial.

Using perpetual drug therapy, the wellness center provides a safe and effective treatment that is pain-free and drug-free.