Treat spinal stenosis with natural remedies!

Spinal stenosis is a body condition in which the human vertebra become compressed, pinches the nerves and causes severe back pain and even numbness. In severe cases, symptoms of spinal stenosis include loss of bladder control.

Surgical treatment for spinal stenosis is common nowadays. It is a treatment involving cutting away the excess tissue which compresses the nerves surrounding the spine. It can even be a fusion of the vertebra to prevent instability.

But a non-invasive treatment must always be given priority before going for the invasive one. In that case before going for the surgical methods, one must make sure that their options for natural spinal stenosis treatment have been exhausted.

1. Slowed breathing

  • It is the easiest and the first step to reducing back pain. You can even try it right now!

  • Control your breathing. It will reduce stress and alleviate back pain.

  • Try inhaling for a count of four, hold it for four, and then exhale it for a count of four.

  • This exercise must be repeated ten times with hands on your belly to make sure that the breath being taken is deep as opposed to limiting the breath to your chest.

  • Deep breathing helps in relaxing thoroughly and promotes oxygen circulation.

2. Meditation

  • Meditation can take the first exercise a step further and can be a wonderful tool in your arsenal to overcome lower back pain.

  • Can you believe that sitting still in a position and focusing on your breath can improve your quality of life and even life expectancy?

  • Meditation can treat spinal stenosis pain as it conditions the brain to unlearn pain.

3. Reframing back pain as a whole body issue

  • It is incorrect to consider back pain as a direct by-product of trauma or disease in the back. It can also be a result of a mental condition.

  • The side effects of chronic pain contribute to the rigor of depression.

  • Lack of sleep occurs due to pain and this can increase pain sensitivity during the day, which can then increase pain at night.

  • Sleepless chronic pain patients have often been found snapping at their families during the day, adding stress to the home environment.

4. Assistive devices

  • Another of the easiest methods for spinal stenosis treatment is the use of assistive devices.

  • Braces can help people with structural causes of back pain.

  • There are other back pain devices that promise to help stretch and strengthen the muscles of the back and prove useful for treating non-specific, moderate cases of back pain.

If these options don’t work, there are other methods you can consider for treating your spinal stenosis. Again, if you’re looking for holistic options for spinal stenosis treatment, surgery should only be considered after you’ve exhausted all options.

Kennedy Health Pain Relief & Wellness Center helps you get your act together and deal with spinal stenosis bravely. We offer the best treatment for degenerative disorders like spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis and herniated disc in neck. Call today to schedule a consultation!

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